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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - tread


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1) бетовой 2) поступь 3) проступь 4) протектор 5) протекторный 6) резьба 7) резьбовый 8) утаптывать tread section of tire — беговая часть шины - detachable tread - studded tread - tire tread - tread arc - tread band - tread cutting - tread groove - tread ring - tread roll - tread width - wheel tread
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См. в других словарях

  1) шаг; ход (лошади) 2) спаривание (птиц); спариваться (о птицах) TREADER – marsh treaders – water treaders ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. походка firm tread —- твердая походка she had the tread of an empress —- у нее была царственная походка 2. шаги, поступь the tread of armed men —- поступь вооруженных людей to walk with a measured tread —- идти размеренным шагом 3. хождение that incessant tread of feet wearing the stones smooth —- беспрестанное хождение, от которого неровные камни становятся гладкими 4. звук шагов 5. подошва (ботинка и т. п.) 6. след to leave a deep tread in the snow —- оставлять в снегу широкий след (колею) 7. спаривание (птиц) 8. травма (возникшая в результате удара одной ноги лошади о другую) 9. ступень (лестницы) 10. ширина ступни 11. уступ террасы; уступ на склоне местности 12. мор. длина киля 13. спец. ширина хода, колея 14. спец. поверхность катания 15. звено (гусеницы) 16. авт. протектор (покрышки) 17. ступать, шагать to tread lightly (in order not to wake smb.) —- ступать тихо (чтобы не разбудить кого-л.) to tread through the meadow —- идти (шагать) через поляну where no foot may tread —- где не ступала нога человека 18. идти, ходить (по чему-л.) to tread the streets —- ходить по улицам to tread the ground —- ходить по земле 19. идти, следовать to tread a dangerous part —- идти опасным путем to tread the path of exile —- быть изгнанником to tread the path of virtue —- идти стезей добродетели to tread new ground —- вступать на новую почву, заняться...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out  а) давить (виноград);  б) затаптывать (огонь);  в) fig. подавлять  г) протаптывать (тропу и т.п.) TREAD  1. noun  1) поступь, походка  2) спаривание (о птицах)  3) constr. ступень  4) ширина хода, колея  5) tech. поверхность катания; протектор (покрышки); звено (гусеницы)  2. v.  1) ступать, шагать, идти; to tread in smb. s steps - идти по чьим-л. стопам; следовать примеру  2) топтать, наступать, давить (тж. tread down; on, upon); to tread under foot - уничтожать, попирать; притеснять  3) протаптывать (дорожку)  4) obs. танцевать  5) спариваться (о птицах) - tread down - tread in - tread out to tread on the heels of - следовать непосредственно за to tread on smb. s corns/toes - наступить кому-л. на любимую мозоль; больно задеть кого-л.; задеть чьи-л. чувства to tread (as) on eggs -  а) ступать, действовать осторожно;  б) быть в щекотливом положении to tread on the neck of - притеснять, подавлять to tread the boards/deck - быть актером (моряком) to tread lightly - действовать осторожно, тактично to tread water - плыть стоя TREAD light легко ступать; TREAD in втаптывать; tread in the ground втоптать в землю TREAD down  а) давить, топтать, затаптывать; tread down flowers топтать цветы;  б) подавлять; попирать  в) стаптывать (каблук и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  проступь перекладина приставной лестницы протектор (шины) колея; ширина колеи гусеница; гусеничная цепь обод (колеса); бандаж stair tread turned-back tread turned-forward tread wheel tread ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) проступь (ступени лестницы) 2) мор. ступенька (трапа) 3) мор. длина киля 4) колея, ширина колеи 5) протектор (шины) 6) беговая дорожка, беговой слой (протектора шины) 7) гусеница, траковая лента; гусеничная цепь 8) обод (колеса); бандаж (колеса) 9) поверхность катания обода (рельса) - caterpillar tread - composite tread - crawler tread - cylindrical tread - double-curvature tread - featheredged tread - idler tread - ladder tread - landing gear tread - plied-up tread - unit tread - wheel tread - wire-backed tread ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (trod; trodden or trod) 1 intr. (often foll. by on) a set down one's foot; walk or step (do not tread on the grass; trod on a snail). b (of the foot) be set down. 2 tr. a walk on. b (often foll. by down) press or crush with the feet. 3 tr. perform (steps etc.) by walking (trod a few paces). 4 tr. make (a hole etc.) by treading. 5 intr. (foll. by on) suppress; subdue mercilessly. 6 tr. make a track with (dirt etc.) from the feet. 7 tr. (often foll. by in, into) press down into the ground with the feet (trod dirt into the carpet). 8 tr. (also absol.) (of a male bird) copulate with (a hen). --n. 1 a manner or sound of walking (recognized the heavy tread). 2 (in full tread-board) the top surface of a step or stair. 3 the thick moulded part of a vehicle tyre for gripping the road. 4 a the part of a wheel that touches the ground or rail. b the part of a rail that the wheels touch. 5 the part of the sole of a shoe that rests on the ground. 6 (of a male bird) copulation. Phrases and idioms tread the boards (or stage) be an actor; appear on the stage. tread on air see AIR. tread on a person's toes offend a person or encroach on a person's privileges etc. tread out 1 stamp out (a fire etc.). 2 press out (wine or grain) with the feet. tread water maintain an upright position in the water by moving the feet with a walking movement and the hands with a downward circular motion. tread-wheel a treadmill or similar appliance. Derivatives treader n. Etymology: OE tredan f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (trod; also ~ed; trodden or trod; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English treden, from Old English tredan; akin to Old High German tretan to ~  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to step or walk on or over  b. to walk or proceed along ; follow ~ing a fine line between tradition and innovation  2.  a. to beat or press with the feet ; trample  b. to subdue or repress as if by trampling ; crush  3. to copulate with — used of a male bird  4.  a. to form by ~ing ; beat ~ a path  b. to execute by stepping or dancing ~ a measure  intransitive verb  1. to move or proceed on or as if on foot must ~ lightly  2.  a. to set foot has gone where others fear to ~  b. to put one's foot ; step carelessly ~ing on the flowers  3. copulate  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1. a mark (as a footprint or the imprint of a tire) made by or as if by ~ing  2.  a.  (1) the action of ~ing  (2) an act or instance of ~ing ; step  b. manner of stepping  c. the sound of ~ing  3.  a. the part of a shoe or boot sole that touches the ground; also the pattern on the bottom of a sole  b.  (1) the part of a wheel or tire that makes contact with a road or rail  (2) the pattern of ridges or grooves made or cut in the face of a tire  4. the distance between the points of contact with the ground of the two front wheels or the two rear wheels of a vehicle  5.  a. the upper horizontal part of a step  b. the width of such a ~  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (treads, treading, trod, trodden) 1. If you tread on something, you put your foot on it when you are walking or standing. Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to tread on your foot... VERB: V on n 2. If you tread in a particular way, you walk that way. (LITERARY) She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet. VERB: V adv 3. A person’s tread is the sound that they make with their feet as they walk. (WRITTEN) We could now very plainly hear their heavy tread. N-SING: supp N, N of n 4. If you tread carefully, you behave in a careful or cautious way. If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with... VERB: V adv 5. The tread of a step or stair is its flat upper surface. He walked up the stairs. The treads were covered with a kind of rubber and very quiet. N-COUNT 6. The tread of a tyre or shoe is the pattern of thin lines cut into its surface that stops it slipping. The fat, broad tyres had a good depth of tread. N-VAR 7. If someone is treading a fine line or path, they are acting carefully because they have to avoid making a serious mistake, especially in a situation where they have to deal with two opposing demands. They have to tread the delicate path between informing children and boring them... PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR between pl-n 8. If you tread a particular path, you take a particular course of action or do something in a particular way. He continues to tread an unconventional path... PHRASE: V inflects 9. If someone who is in deep water treads water, they float in an upright position by moving their legs slightly. PHRASE: V inflects 10. If you say that someone is treading water, you mean that they are in an unsatisfactory situation where they are not progressing, but are just continuing doing the same things. I could either tread water until I was promoted, which looked to be a few years away, or I could change what I was doing. PHRASE: V inflects 11. to tread on someone’s toes: see toe ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense trod past participle trodden 1 »STEP IN/ON« BrE to put your foot on or in something while you are walking; step + in/on  (Sorry -- did I tread on your foot? | Be careful not to tread on that broken glass.) 2 »CRUSH« a) BrE to press or crush something into the floor or ground with your feet; track2 (6) AmE  (tread sth into/onto/over)  (Stop treading mud all over my clean kitchen floor! | Bits of the broken vase got trodden into the carpet.) b) tread grapes to crush grapes with your feet in order to produce the juice from which wine is made 3 tread carefully/warily/cautiously etc to be very careful about what you say or do in a difficult situation  (We can't risk the talks breaking down - we'll have to tread carefully.) 4 tread a path formal to take a particular action or series of actions  (Anyone who makes such serious allegations is treading a very dangerous path.) 5 tread water a) to stay floating upright in deep water by moving your legs as if you were riding a bicycle b) to make no progress in a particular situation, especially because you are waiting for something to happen 6 tread the boards humorous to work as an actor 7 »WALK« I always + adv/prep, literary especially BrE to walk  (David trod wearily along behind the others.)  (- see also step/tread on sb's toes toe1 (3)) ~2 n 1 the pattern of lines on the part of a tyre that touches the road 2 the part of a stair that you put your foot on 3 the particular sound that someone makes when they walk  (I could hear our father's heavy tread outside the door.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  st. & loc. abbr. Transportation Reporting Enhancement Accountability And Documentation transport. abbr. Transportation Recall Enhancement Accountability And Documentation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. tredan (class V strong verb; past tense trжd, pp. treden), from P.Gmc. *tredanan. Treadmill invented 1822 by William Cubitt of Ipswich, England; formerly an instrument of prison discipline. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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